A few days ago I did a post on what people are listening to – when they are walking around with head phones. Here’s a post on what people are reading. This could go on and on – if you find yourself with lots and lots of time on your hands you could start your own… What people are eating… What people are etc. etc. This one was done by people working at Slice Magazine who went and cataloged what books they see people reading in the subways, streets, parks and bars in NYC. Then they post a picture of the cover art and a brief description of the reader and their location.
For example The Brave, Nicholas Evans (F, 30s, on last pgs, laughing, husband put head on her shoulder, Q train) The Laws of Thinking, Bishop Jordan (F, 30s, red/black dreads, gold jewelry, turquoise jeans, Atlantic Center DMV) Tabloid City, Pete Hamill (F, 30s, short red hair, earrings, tote bag in chair, Windsor Terrace, Terrace Bagel Cafe) Sunset Park, Paul Auster (M, 20s, blond hair, gray shirt, sitting in grass for ‘Manhattan’ screening, Brooklyn Bridge Park)
So if you want to read what New Yorkers are reading check it out HERE But this won’t work if someone is reading a Kindle.