With all my rummaging around I’ve just found the place for you. In Berlin there is a dedicated museum for old unwanted letters. It’s called the “Buchstaben Museum” which is german for “Museum for Sad Bastards”, OK, I’m joking – lol as they say. Here you can see old, interesting and discarded letters. If you’re the type that gets a warm feeling when you recognise an unusual typeface you will love this museum. If your favourite film is Helvetica, a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture, you’ll be in heaven.

You can also bring along a single letter, a sign or part of a sign that might need a new home. However, I would advise you call up before you arrive on with old ‘BANK OF SCOTLAND – IRELAND’  or ‘ANGLO IRISH BANK’ signs under your arm. They are still Germans – and they might not appreciate your generosity. (Telephone: 49 + 0177 4201587)

It’s amazing – but it’s places like this that inform you, in a very subtle way, that Germany is not a 3rd world country.

See more here: http://www.buchstabenmuseum.de