Well, as of today, it looks like it’s certainly on the way out – On March 15th Pepsi unveiled a breakthrough in bottle technology with the announcement of the world’s first petroleum-free plastic bottle. Imagine a Plastic Free Bottle available as soon as  2012. That’s a 100% Plant based Bottle. It will be made from raw materials such as switch grass, pine bark and corn husks, and the clever people at Pepsi have identified methods to create a molecular structure that is identical to polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, which is the plastic material used to produce the majority of bottles.

It’s nice not hating the big corporations – for a change. So sit back and enjoy a great ad from Pepsi. As the boy looks about 7 years old – the concept is more in line with the teachings of the Jesuits rather than Buddha.  You’d wonder what they did with all the crushed cans though.

I found this good news and this video in the great web site PSFK. Click and read the full story here