It seems an age since Spenser Tunick came to Ireland. There were fears that the take-up for one of his mass-nude-photoshoots wouldn’t be as strong as Germany or Sweden or other more liberal parts of Europe, but they came in their droves! In the video below Tunick says more people came than he expected and he had to adjust his plans. I have a great Swiss friend who when she saw these photos emailed me…

So Glatt, John, I know this Photographer, it is Spenser Tunick he made also in Amsterdam, Sidney, Berlin etc. Photos with hunderts of naked People? And now also at Blarneys… In the first moment they look like strange Sheeps, Dollysheeps perhapes. And I am woundry, that he found so many Irish for this shooting. Or this are all the Brithisch- and Germanfreaks who live from Sozialhilfe in Eire since 30 years?”

Here is a reminder of Tunick’s work at Blarney Castle. More of his work can be seen at