“Family Radio President Harold Camping preaches that on 21st may 2011 a great earthquake such as never has been seen in the world will occur – as spoken of in the Book of Revelation. Those who are raptured will dwell with Christ forever in heaven while those left behind will agonize in a ruined world that finally comes to a fiery end on Oct. 21.”

Well, Saturday 21th May 2011 came and went. No great earthquake. Merciful hour! Hallelujah we were saved! Harold Camping got it wrong. But the next prediction is from the Mayans and they say it will all end on the 21st December 2012. So that gives us all a bit more time and this time the Mayans might be right.

What happens to a doomsday cult when they get the date wrong? Find out here.

There’s a bucket load of videos on YouTube but there’s no point in watching them now.

Photo: Zuma Press via Newscom.