Here is Jesus on a Honda 50 on the road outside Faha village, Co. Kerry.

Now – you might not believe in miracles, but who wouldn’t want Jesus to say in a loud authorative voice  “Throw away your crutches man! – stand steady and walk” and, as if by magic, the man’s right leg slowly begins to grow to full size – pushing through the fold in his trousers, bursting the safety pin and there you go, a new white foot. – just like in a Harry Potter movie. (see “What you lose when you lose your leg” click older posts below) Well, sadly it ain’t goin’ to happen, is it?. Come on,  growing a leg is kinda hard, in fact it’s a level 6 miracle – but maybe we could ask Jesus to do something a little less demanding?

Fixing the Irish Economy or sorting out our Toxic Banks – now that would be  a super miracle, it would be like him having to grow two legs AND two arms – technically a level 9. But if you met Jesus on the road outside Faha and he smiled at you and stretched out his arm – what would you ask for – right now – right this minute?

Thank you Valerie O’Sullivan – keep sending me amazing images. see more here:

P.S. If Jesus was alive today he would be a celebrity and he would probably have a body guard… I wonder if that’s him in the kilt, …d’you think?