‘Homage’ is a great word for our times.

With post modernism, everything that could be done – had been done – and so we began to look at what had gone before and proceeded  to ‘update’ them. It happens in music all the time and in most other forms of art and culture. To ‘sample’ what’s gone before and repackage it as a totally new thing is now the new ‘new thing’. It’s cogging really, but don’t they say… that if you make 6 changes to something then it becomes your own? Who’s they? and why 6?

Doesn’t really matter – ‘whatever’ as the sampling generation might say.

But Homage – now that’s a different thing altogether it’s a bit like how the poet Gerry Murphy might say ‘after’ when he writes a poem in the style of another poet. This is my accidental homage to pin hole photography and in particular to Harry Moore. . No, this photograph did not take me hours to take, it was as fast as a flash actually – and I took it with my sister Riona’s super-duper camera, I was just to checking to see if there was a card in the camera. Click. When this image came up on the display – shock – It’s a Harry Moore! Maybe it’s the round kitchen table (handmade by Hans Liptien) that makes this accidental shot of our kitchen so ‘Harry Moore’. Homage Harry!

More on Harry Moore here: www.harrymoore.net

More on Gerry Murphy here: www.gerrymurphybiog.com

More on Hans Liptien here: www.handsonfurniture.ie

More on Riona MacMonagle: wwww.kerryphoto.com