And you thought you had heard it all – well have a listen to this.

An Oregon woman’s accent has been identified as a medical oddity. A year and a half ago the woman went to the dentist to get a dental implant, when she left just hours later she had an Irish accent.

According to Karen Butler whenever she meets new people they ask her if she’s Irish. The Oregonian woman from a small seaside town called Newport, explains to them that she picked her accent up at the dentist. The 56-year-old tax consultant’s accent now sounds like a strange mix between Irish, South African and British.

Butler believes that she is suffering from Foreign Accent Syndrome. Doctor Ted Lowenkopf says “It’s so rare — less than 100 cases ever reported – that the average neurologist, even a stroke neurologist, would not see a case in their lifetime.” Essentially Butler suffered a small stroke which affected the specific area of the brain that alters a person’s speech.

After nearly two years of living with the new accent Butler, and her family, are happy to live with it. She says that people find foreign accents interesting and she feels more confident speaking to strangers now. She explained “It’s just like a new toy.”

Or what about… The Czech speedway driver knocked unconscious in a crash stunned ambulance drivers when he woke up speaking perfect English. 18-year-old Matej Kus was out cold for 45 minutes after the crash, but when he woke up he conversed fluidly in English with paramedics, even speaking in an English accent. The teenager had just begun to study the language and his skills were described by friends and team-mates as “basic at best”. (If I get banged on the head, make mine Chinese – it’s a bitch to learn.)

There you have it. Don’t Believe me? Watch the video…


SOURCE via EJ Carr on facebook