When I lived in the US in the 80s one thing struck me – the money – it was all about the money and the money was all the same colour and all the same size. I do wear glasses and I wore them back then, but I still had difficulty with the dollar bills.

There is one great scene in the 1990 movie “The Grifters” (directed by Stephen Frears with Galway girl Anjelica Huston, John Cusack and a very young Annette Bening) where Cusack’s character Roy, tries to con a bartender. In a busy bar, Roy holds up a $100 dollar bill and waves it at the bartender to get his attention. The bartender acknowledges Roy and sees the $100 bill. When the bartender gets to serve him, Roy has switched the $100 bill with a $10 bill and Roy gets the the change from the $100 bill. Small stuff, but if you do it often enough – and get away with it – it’s not too shabby.

There must be millions of blind people living in the United States. And paying for something in cash has to be a nightmare. Up until now, blind people had a system where they folded each bill in an unique way that would identify the value of that particular bill. Well now, and I’m sure you’re probably not surprised to hear – there’s an App for that!

Raven Design has recently started a creative collaboration with iPhoneAppSolutions and we will be launching our first App in April 2011. Yay! We Love Apps! But most of all we love useful Apps.